Amira’s Mineral Processing Program
Amira Global is delighted to announce the revival of its Mineral Processing programs and seeks to reengage with you regarding your interest in participating in this program. This initiative will integrate various project lines into one comprehensive program.
Our goal is to create a sustainable program that meets the needs of potential sponsors, current members, and non-members alike. Potential lines of research could include:
- Modelling enhancement to the past P9 series of projects to include new equipment (fine crushing etc).
- Energy saving theme to include coarse separation, ore sorting, etc.
- Critical minerals flowsheet development (in addition to traditional gold and copper).
- Flotation chemistry enhancements (UNISA etc, including old P260 revamped).
- Integrated theme including Geo-metallurgy and endowment optimization. All the above have been structured to enable real-time process prediction and control through modelling, with a strong focus on skills transfer throughout the program.
All the above have been structured to enable real-time process prediction and control through modelling, with a strong focus on skills transfer throughout the program.
We believe that this approach will not only advance mineral processing research but also provide valuable insights and solutions for industry challenges. We look forward to your continued interest and involvement in this exciting program.