Defragmenting R&D+I output to inform and support industry decision makers through trusted, validated, and verified study.
The purpose of the Knowledge Platform is to enable mining industry professionals to access reviewed, curated and validated R&D outcomes relevant to our industry. Our intent is to get the very best validated information out to industry to support excellent decision making.
The Platform is based on the successful Cochrane Institute and Library that offers the equivalent to the medical industry.
The Knowledge Platform will serve to defragment R&D outcomes and enable access to help accelerate translation of that knowledge to industry impact.
Initial consultation with members, researchers, and government agencies shows both commitment and promise.
Over the last year we have been co-ordinating alliances to co-create the Knowledge Platform. The International Copper Association Australia (ICAA) has been a great partner and together we are shaping the preliminary pilot concept. We were delighted to have the endorsement from CRC ORE with seed funding to develop a pilot that will incorporate the Grade Engineering wiki from CRC ORE and with the support of Hatch. Other elements we are seeking
to include are Data Metallogenica, which offers a rich repository of knowledge, data, information, and links to the global sample collection housed in South Australia.
In addition, we are investigating ways to incorporate Amira’s library of reports developed over the last 60 years.
The Knowledge Platform is being anchored in ICAA’s recent reports that present pathways to zero emission, and zero waste mining.
Amira’s GM Australia/VP Geosciences, Dr Anil Subramanya is leading this effort.