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Unknown > P1217

P1217 Evaluation of Tailings Storage Facilities monitoring technologies


Program Manager Silvia Black



Evaluation of Tailings Storage Facilities monitoring technologies

Project Number: P1217
Status: Active
Amira Program Manager: Silvia Black

Part of Amira’s Future Tailings Program


In the aftermath of the recent spate of Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) failures, there has been a significant increase in activity relating to the monitoring of TSFs. A focus of this project is to provide an independent evaluation of a range of monitoring technologies and their suitability for the application of providing advance warning of potential instabilities of TSFs. This will be achieved through an integrated programme of laboratory and field testing as well as physical and numerical modeling of sponsor selected sites. Monitoring equipment vendors will be able to contribute to the project through provision of their technologies for site testing.

The benefits from sponsoring this project include: