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Multidisciplinary > P1344

P1344 Pan-African Decarbonisation Institute (PADI)


Program Manager Bright Foli Get in touch


Under Development Become a sponsor

Be part of the leading development of Pan-African minerals sector talent and skills that can harness the decarbonisation opportunity


A self-sustaining pipeline of Pan-African research, operational, and technical leadership, talent, and skills in minerals decarbonisation from resource management through to product development and delivery


To create a virtual Pan-African institute of complementary and supplementary research, development and training that collaborates, connects, co-ordinates to co-create a pipeline of talented Africans that position Africa as a leading player in the decarbonisation value chain, and that transforms Africa’s energy sector by leveraging Africa’s new energy material resources and Africa’s research, development and training capability.


As the world seeks to meet decarbonise goals, demand for energy resources and products is forecast to increase 10-fold by 2030. Africa is blessed with abundant new energy resources (e.g. copper, cobalt, Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and graphite) that are critical all decarbonisation efforts. Beyond the resources there is the allied demand for talent and skills to harness the opportunity and to deliver to the scientific and engineering challenges and the leadership and community engagement required across the mine value chain and into the product development.

The world is short of skilled talent

The Pan-African Decarbonisation Institute will provide leadership for Africa to participate meaningfully in the decarbonisation value chain. It will contribute industry focused research to the development of the whole value chain, transforming energy systems and sectors globally, and ensure economic return is maximised for Africa’s new energy resources.

The Institute will connect world class research capability with African industry needs to build knowledge, and develop processes and decarbonisation applications using Africa’s resources.

Value Proposition

The Pan-African Decabonisation Institute will:

Bright Foli Program Manager & Tony Anyimadu GM Africa are available to address any and all queries you may have.

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