Amira’s core mission is to build collaborations that can unlock the key breakthrough technologies our industry needs to solve its mega-challenges.  Amira’s Futures Programs allows our ecosystem to work together in framing efficient pathways to address and unlock the transformations required.

Taking a systems-of-systems approach, Amira is working with Members on developing the Futures Programs to target priorities.  Coupled with exploring our Members’ main concerns, Amira is working across stakeholder groups on developing an ecosystem approach to tackle delivery of key breakthroughs for our industry, and bring about pre-competitive transformation for our industry.

As a sector we understand that the world is facing inevitable growth pressures, which come at a time when there is growing demand to meet the UN’s sustainability development goals, a blue print for a more sustainable future for all. The Amira Futures Programs allows Members to process their ores and develop their final product with increased awareness, management and sensitivity to environmental and social considerations.  The integrated approach in the Amira Futures Programs ensures programs and projects address the critical discipline sciences within the context of our industry’s mega challenges such a tailings, water and energy. 

We look forward to working with every member of the Amira ecosystem to build collaborations that showcase R&D outcomes, innovations and pathways to accelerating implementation.

To find out more contact Adele Seymon, Amira Global’s Program Director.