Amira Governance & Structure
Amira Global is a global, not-for-profit, industry member-based organisation.
The purpose of Amira Global is embedded in its constitution:
(A) to develop and manage collaborative projects and other activities, to enable:
(i) the sustainable development of the Minerals and associated industries that is acceptable to society;
(ii) enhanced standing of the Minerals and associated industries amongst stakeholders locally and globally;
(iii) delivery of new data, knowledge, technologies, products and services in order to help Members, or other organisations as approved by the Board, to (but not necessarily limited to):
- improve profitability and return on investment
- improve the discovery rate of new Mineral resources, and convert these, including currently sub-economic resources, into Mineral products
- improve leadership and management
- improve productivity of operations
- improve safety of operations
- minimise the environmental footprint of operations
- implement effective closure strategies for operations that minimise liabilities for all stakeholders
- provide opportunities to educate the next generation of industry leaders, operators and researchers.
(B) the pursuit of a range of research and scientific ventures and endeavours and ancillary events, services, programs and other means through which to achieve its purpose and objects and that may be considered desirable for the promotion of, or deemed necessary or convenient for the purpose of and with a view to carrying out and furthering the objects of the Company.
Amira comprises four entities based in Australia, South Africa, Chile, and the USA. They are bound by Deeds of Management, and all have the same person serving as Managing Director. Together this governance infrastructure allows us to operate globally on behalf of our members while simultaneously serving the respective regional priorities.
The finances from each region are supported and monitored by external accountants and audited in accordance with each region’s statutory requirements. Finances are consolidated into the Australian entity statutory financial report in accordance with Australian legal and statutory requirements.
Approval for membership, Amira’s membership subscription and sponsorship fees are all reviewed and determined by the Amira Global Board of Directors.
Amira Membership is valid globally and applies across all entities over which a member company holds a controlling interest. Membership is a requirement for sponsorship of Amira projects.
Director nominations are reviewed at the Amira’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which we invite nominated representatives from all members to attend.