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Unknown > P420H

P1287 Real-time tailings monitoring using the latest fibre-optic sensors


Silvia Black Program Manager Silvia Black



Real-time tailings monitoring using the latest fibre-optic sensors

Project Number: P1287
Status: Open to sponsors
Amira Program Manager: Silvia Black

The project will use the latest fibre-optic sensing technology integrating three technologies (DTS, DSS and DAS) inside one cable. Temperature, strain and acoustic/seismic are monitored in real time to assure the integrity of tailings dams (TSF). The technology allows direct imaging with improved spatial resolution and large volumetric coverage – a combination that cannot be achieved with conventional sensors.

The primary objective of this research proposal is to demonstrate how fibre-optic sensing technologies incorporating seepage, seismic imaging and strain monitoring in a single real time platform facilitate the analysis of integrity of TSF walls and adjacent tailings.

Project aim:

This 3-year project builds on research by Sisprobe’s founders, who are lead academics in the field. Sisprobe experts in Australia and France collaborate with Silixa (UK) and HydroResearch (Sweden).

Major sponsors who provide a TSF site for study will benefit from:

Key deliverables to sponsors are:

Additional long-term benefits to industry, governments and the community are:

For more information please contact Program Manager Silvia Black at