Since the 1980s, the Gold Technology Group has run the Amira P420 series of Gold Processing Technology Projects.  

Initially, the projects were laboratory based and focused on understanding the fundamentals of leach and adsorption circuits. This knowledge was then applied practically in studies designed to optimise circuit performance.

The early 2000s saw research in the gravity recovery using the expertise of Andre Laplante. This led to the development of a large database of ore characterisation and gravity survey results.

Recently SIMCIL (CIP/CIL simulation models), the leach and adsorption model, has been paired with the gravity model to provide insight into overall plant recoveries when parameters such as grind size (liberation), classification and gravity or leach recoveries are varied.

The group, now at Curtin University, has also extensively investigated processing of difficult ores, alternative lixiviants, and gangue rejection and has developed partnerships over the years with Gekko Systems, CODES, CSIRO, CRC ORE, ARC Centre for Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals and various other academic and industry-based entities.

In the current iteration, P420G, focuses on site assessments, benchmarking,  technology transfer and training opportunities for gold industry professionals. In addition to ongoing model development, the research activities in the current project include leaching of ultrafine ground concentrates, evaluating the reasons for unleached gold, and the use of sensors for data collection and application, with an emphasis on knowledge, tools and equipment required to design and operate the gold plant of the future.

As the P420G project crosses its half-way mark discussions are commencing on the research focus for the next phase of this program. If you would like to find out more or get involved shaping the next iteration please contact Anil Subramanya.