Projects Portfolio
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P1358B Development of a geometallurgically informed model for extraction of critical minerals (CMs) from sulfide and iron tailing piles
This project aims to develop a mineralogy model that enables the development of a comprehensive geometallurgy-informed processing flowsheet for the efficient extraction of critical minerals from sulfide and or iron tailings piles. By implementing advanced mineral processing techniques, we seek to unlock economic value, enhance resource recovery, and address the growing demand for critical minerals. As global demand for critical minerals intensifies and new high-grade deposits become increasingly rare, focusing on recovering these essential materials from existing tailings has become…

P1359B RIMM Process for the recovery of copper, cobalt and REE from low-grade ores and mineral wastes
The resin in moist mix (RIMM) process has been developed by InnovEco Australia and tested at the University of South Australia to treat various low-grade ore types and mineral wastes. The RIMM method has demonstrated high efficiency in the recovery of copper, cobalt and other valuable metals. Due to its simplicity and relatively low water and reagent consumption, this method could be used for the recovery of critical minerals from low-grade ores and mineral wastes such as tailings. The possibility…

P1359A Coarse Particle Flotation and HydroFloat
Amira P1359A will employ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling to simulate the multiphase flow within the HydroFloat™ cell. This will enable the analysis of interactions between gas bubbles, liquid, and solid particles and help identify optimal operating conditions. Additionally, the research will explore innovative techniques, such as nano-bubbles, oily-bubbles, and aerosol collector dosing, to enhance bubble-particle attachment and improve recovery rates. These advanced methods have the potential to further increase the efficiency of the fluidized bed flotation system. This document…

P1331: Enhanced treatment of Refractory Au & base metal ores
This project within the mineral processing framework is in responds to industry needs of treating refractory ores. Refractory gold ores is defined as ore that is difficult to recover through conventional circuit of crush-grind-leach. This project will utilize both new research and applied to solve peculiar problems or combination of problem from participants. The project will initially start with sites in West Africa sub-region and expand to other jurisdictions like South America and Australia as the project progresses. The objective of the…

P1342 Circular Mine Consortium Collaboration with Industries to Reduce Mine Waste
The project aims to fast-track full re-use of mine tailings and refinery residue to upscaling and commercialization, with a focus to achieve reduced mine waste footprints, develop a new resource for raw materials and help the mining and other industries to improve their operational model. It includes development of a decision support tool and practical guidelines for sustainable mine waste management that can be applied by the mining industry at large, which will also address technical, collaborative, environmental, regulatory, community…

P1214: MN-002- Iron Ore Standards Committe
Project Number: P1214 Status: In Management Project manager: Dr Silvia Black Iron Ore Standards Committe Amira Global’s P1214 project seeks to provide financial support to Standards Australia, enabling them to fulfill the International Secretariat role for ISO TC 102/SC2 Iron Ore and Direct Reduced Iron – Chemical Analysis. Additionally, the project assists Standards Australia’s national mirror committee, MN-002 Iron Ore and Direct Reduced Iron, in their endeavors. By supporting these committees, P1214 aims to ensure that iron ore standards remain up to date,…

P1336 Global Basins Project
P1336 Global Basins Project Project Number: P1336 Status: In Development: Expression of Interest Project manager: Dr Anil Subramanya The Global Basins Project is an ambitious initiative designed to close the significant knowledge gap in the exploration of sedimentary basins for critical minerals required for the energy transition and CO2 emission reduction targets. Despite sediment-hosted stratiform copper (SSC) deposits, located in sedimentary basins, accounting for 20% of global copper production, these basins have been underexplored over the last 2-3 decades. To address this issue,…

P1322 East-Africa Exploration Initiative (EAXI)
P1322 East-Africa Exploration Initiative (EAXI) Project Number: P1322 Status: In Development: Expression of Interest Project manager: Dr Anil Subramanya The East Africa Exploration Initiative is a comprehensive program designed to improve the base metal and gold exploration potential of East Africa. Through an integrated approach of research and data collection, the initiative aims to understand the region’s geological “anatomy.” The central goals are to assist exploration companies in pinpointing areas with maximum prospectivity and to support local Geological Surveys and universities in providing…

P1335 Geodynamic Andes eXploration S o u t h America (Gaxi)
P1335 Geodynamic Andes eXploration South America Project Number: P1335 Status: In Development: expression of Interest Project manager: Patricio Pastorelli Overview: The Geodynamic Inheritance & eXploration (GAXI) Project is a research initiative focused on understanding the spatial distribution and genesis of economic mineral systems along the South American Gondwana margin. The objective is to help develop future industry-relevant targets within a sophisticated exploration framework. GAXI builds on a successful pilot study in the Peruvian Andes, revealing a connection between mineral-forming processes…

P1344 Pan-African Decarbonisation Institute (PADI)
P1344 Pan-African Decarbonisation Institute (PADI) Project Number: P1344Status: Open to sponsorsProject manager: Bright Foli GM Africa: Tony Anyimadu Overview: Be part of the leading development of Pan-African minerals sector talent and skills that can harness the decarbonisation opportunity Vision A self-sustaining pipeline of Pan-African research, operational, and technical leadership, talent, and skills in minerals decarbonisation from resource management through to product development and delivery Mission To create a virtual Pan-African institute of complementary and supplementary research, development and training that…

P1354 Integrated Digital Modelling of Mineral Processing Circuit
P1354 Integrated Digital Modelling of Mineral Processing Circuit. Project Number: P1354Status: Open to sponsorsProject manager: Redeemina Comfort Bonnah Overview: Amira P1354 represents the extension of the development of Mineral Processing unit models of the iconic P9 series of projects that began in 1962. For six decades Industry Sponsors of the P9 program have helped build a strong community of practice in Mineral Processing with a focus on automating and optimising stages and steps that will ultimately lead to a whole…

P1310 Electro Kinetic Solution – Dewatering Technologies
EKS Dewatering Technology Project Number: P1310Status: CompletedAmira Program Manager: Patricio Pastorelli The EKS-DT process, developed by ElectroKinetic Solutions. The EKS-DT is an in situ process for rapidly dewatering tailings, providing #tailings storage facility #TSF operators the means to eliminate their tailings liability effectively and economically. The technology’s performance has recently been proven through a field demonstration in Alberta, Canada. The final technology development stage for the EKS-DT process is to complete a commercial demonstration of the technology to de-risk the deployment and operation in a…